Q. I have just arrived in Qatar and need to get a health card, what do I do? A. To get a health card, residents must visit the Primary Health Center nearest to where you live – call 107 if you are unsure
where your local center is. Refer to the ‘How to get a health card’ section in this guide for specific details of the required
Q. I need a sick note for work, where can I get one from?
A. You should visit your local health center for a sick note. If you are visiting an emergency department due to your
condition being a serious medical emergency, you can request a sick note at the emergency department.
Q. I want to see a doctor at a HMC hospital, how can I get an appointment?
A. Unless you have a medical emergency, in which case you should go to your nearest HMC emergency department or
call 999 for an ambulance, you will need a referral from a primary health center or private clinic in order to make an
appointment at an HMC facility.
Q. I want to see a doctor at a primary health center, how can I get an appointment?
A. You can call Primary Health Care Corporation’s customer helpline, Hayyak, on 107 to arrange an appointment at the health
center which you are registered at. Alternatively, you can visit your health center in person to arrange an appointment.
Q. Do I need to prepare for an appointment?
A. If you are visiting the hospital or primary health center for the first time, please come at least 30 minutes before your
appointment time in order to complete some paperwork.
Q. Does it matter if I miss a scheduled doctor’s appointment?
A. If you are unable to attend a scheduled appointment please call your primary health center (Hayyak, on 107) or hospital
clinic (Nesma’ak at HMC on 16060) in advance to cancel, so that the timeslot can be used for another patient who may
need it more urgently.
Q. How do I know which is my local health center?
A. Your utility bill (phone, water/electricity) includes a code related to your location and this determines where your
designated health center is located. You can call Primary Health Care Corporation’s customer helpline, Hayyak, on 107 for
more information or take your utility bill in person to the nearest health center.
Q. Do I have to pay for care at HMC and primary care centers?
A. These facilities do charge a small fee for services but residents with a valid health card are entitled to greatly subsidized
consultations and prescriptions at Hamad Medical Corporation and Primary Health Care Corporation facilities.
Q. I have an aching back and need to see a doctor; can I go to an emergency department and be seen?
A. For all non-urgent conditions, such as a back ache, small cut or mild eye discomfort, you should make an appointment
at your local health center. Emergency departments should be used for only serious emergency medical conditions.
Q. Why can’t I just turn up at a HMC hospital and be seen by a doctor?
A. HMC provides specialist secondary and tertiary care services. These services are for patients whose needs are too
complex to be treated at a primary care center. A large number of conditions can be successfully treated in primary care
and do not require treatment at HMC.
Q. Will I be seen by the same doctor at my health center?
A.Every effort will be made to enable you to see the same doctor for your visit, but the doctor’s availability on the day you
wish to come cannot be guaranteed.
Q. I would like to access help for a mental health condition, where can I go for this?
A. If you are concerned about depression, anxiety or any similar mental health issue that affects your general health,
please visit your doctor in a primary health clinic for care or referral to one of HMC’s clinics. For urgent care involving
suicidal or self-harm thoughts, please visit one of HMC’s emergency departments.
Q. I need to see a dentist, should I go to my health center or to an HMC hospital?
A. Unless your condition is a medical emergency, in which case you should go to your nearest emergency department,
you should visit your local health center for a dental consultation. If specialist dental treatment is required, your primary
care doctor may refer you to HMC.
Q. I have moved house and want to change my health center, how can I do this?
A. To change your health center you must obtain a utility bill from your new address and visit the nearest health center to
apply for a change of health center.
Q. I / my wife is pregnant and needs to register with an obstetrician, where should I go to for antenatal care?
A. Your first appointment should be at your local health center. Your primary care doctor can then advise on the best plan
for your antenatal care.
Q. Is there public parking available when I visit a HMC clinic or primary health center?
A. All hospitals and health centers have public parking facilities. However, some of HMC’s busy hospitals have limited free
parking and visitors are recommended to either come by taxi or public transport or they can use the valet parking service
offered in many location.